Thursday, April 20, 2017

Ministering to the Body

As Evangelists, our focus has been to minister to the unsaved . . . as of late there has been a shift of ministering to the body. How many people in church are confused, bound & hopeless? You would think none or not many. Our experience is there are more than you can imagine. Marriages in turmoil, Leadership with skewed biblical views, women in pain, men tormented and hurting families. Why? Why do we as children of the Most High God allow the enemy of our souls to take control??

Going through personal struggles of our own, health, family issues, etc. we understand how the flesh can rare its ugly head and try to dominate. The Word of God said our faith would be tested, tried and that in this world we would suffer persecution. Taking a stand of faith should not be a point of contention within the body. We should be standing with each other as we encourage our brother and sister to keep pressing on, not pushing them to the brink. In the course of the fifteen years of our marriage and ministry we have counseled couples, performed marriage ceremonies, funeral services, preached sermons and done endless outreach. Through all of those works, the important factor was the people, members of the body.

Currently the ministry God has called my wife to has given us a clear view of what and what is not happening in the body of Christ. In our local fellowship, there are classes, groups, every possible way to reach people. There is a factor though that can prevent these programs from working - people not engaging. Help can be available, but not work if people don't ask or use it. How do you get someone to reach out for help when they need it? Embarrassment, pride, or just plain ignorance, can prevent people from reaching out. So they go on, depressed, defeated & alone . . . it doesn't have to be that way. Jesus said, " . . . I have come that they might have life, and life more abundantly" John 10:10

Having a Mentoring & Support Group as well as continuing to counsel those in every situation, has led us to the reality that some relationships can mend and others will not. We teach authority over the enemy, speaking & praying the Word, as well as putting trust in God. The only hope for deliverance and freedom in Christ is to surrender and allow Him to lead & guide your life. That means confessing your sin, getting godly counseling, being accountable and finding your strength in Him.