Wednesday, August 6, 2014

West side Kingdom Christian Center outreach

On August 16th we'll be teaming up with Pastor Canneth Lee at Kingdom Christian Center Church to reach out to the west side of South Bend.  This will be the fourth outreach of the year and we're expecting many souls to come and receive Christ!!

We look forward to partnering together to reach our community for the kingdom of God.  The location is in an area of violence and crime, but this pastor has decided to take back his neighborhood!  As the body we are agreeing together that showing the love of Jesus Christ will draw men to Him.  Please pray for us and a great move of God!!

There will be live music, free food, free clothes, face painting, a bouncy house, free books & Bibles, and we always welcome people and get the information by our Salvation Survey.  Prayer & ministering the word is our priority!!!  The sign out front of this picture of the church says "We love our neighborhood".  After meeting with Pastor Lee & his wife, we know they mean it, as they literally hold their Wednesday night studies outside and serve free food!!
So, come out, volunteer and be a part of what God is doing on the streets of South Bend.  We will be meeting at the church parking lot on both Friday, August 8th & 15th at 5:45 p.m. to pass out flyers.  We will set up at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 16th at the grassy lot at the church.

Pastors Al & Jennifer Sabin
P. O. Box 604
South Bend, IN  46624
(574)360-8092 or (574)360-5806
Donations are always welcome & will be used for the work of this ministry.

Outreach Update

The outreach on June 21st was a great time of giving and sharing Jesus with our community.  Many came and received not only the physical needs of food, clothing, free hair cuts, but also spiritually the people were touched as Pastor Mark Lantz of Christian Center Church gave a call for healing and restoration.  A powerful testimony was shared by Steve Roach, who gave God glory for saving his life literally.  God blessed the day and there was live music that brought the presence of the Holy Spirit as the people gathered and the gospel was shared.

                                                             The Salvation Survey Table

                                                                           Prayer Ministry

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ravina Park East Side South Bend Outreach


We just completed our third outreach of the year & the Lord has increased the number of people almost double!  Reaching out to the inner-city area of South Bend has brought awareness to those that volunteer with us of the great need.  As well as touching the lives of those impacted by crime & violence, we bring the hope of the good news of Jesus Christ. 

Along with a salvation message, we have a table set up to find out where people are in their beliefs of  God and his word.  It's amazing how many check on the Salvation Survey that they're not sure if they'll go to heaven when they die.  It is a great witnessing tool as we can show them in the word of God to make their salvation sure! 

The Lord has blessed us with a new group that has come & led praise & worship at these events.  Music sets the atmosphere and brings the presence of the Holy Spirit to the place where we set up the event.  We also have been blessed to partner with a very talented musician & brother, Octane the Hood Apostle.  His positive message delivered in a relevant way to those we go out to has touched many lives and given them hope!!

We believe in meeting the physical needs as well as the spiritual needs of the community.  Through donations we are able to provide free clothing and shoes.  As many family struggle to clothe themselves and their children, God has laid it on our heart to meet this need.  We are thankful that it can mean dignity and cleanliness when a person has lost their job or went through illness.   Whatever the case may be - we stand on James 2:14-17.

We also feed hundreds at these outreaches, which this and the next outreach food was provided by the Woodmen of the World local chapter.  Praise the Lord for His provision!!  We appreciate all the donations of those that give to Visions Of Praise Ministries which makes this all possible.

Some additional pictures from the day ~
Face Painting
 Free Haircuts
 Small Smiles Dentistry giving out free toothbrushes

If you would like to give to this work, you may mail a check to:
Visions Of Praise Ministries
P O Box 604
South Bend, IN 46624

Thank you for your prayers & support!  God Bless You!!
Pastors Al & Jennifer Sabin

Monday, June 16, 2014

Community Concert Outreach

Concert At the Hill
June 21st, 2014 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.


Leigh Prathaftakis                                 Tom Ward & Christian Center Band                       Octane

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

First Outreach of the Season


Hello friends of Visions Of Praise!
We pray that you are living in God's best for you.
There has been a lot of teaching we've received while we've spent our winter in our churches and Bible studies.  Now we have opportunity to give back to those who haven't been involved in fellowship inside the body. It's time to get out and reach out to our area! Live out what we learn.


This year we begin our block party outreach on May 17th. And we can't wait! We are expecting God to show up in a big way and give us a great harvest of souls. We know without a shadow of a doubt that we are called to minister and reach out to those who are lost and without Jesus.
God blesses obedience and we want his perfect will in every area of our lives! This ground here where we walk, work, play & live is where we can make an impact for the kingdom of God. Greater things are yet to come!! He's the God of this city and we want Him to be the King of these people.
There are many who need to have prayer or a word of encouragement!
We're looking forward to our brothers & sisters giving their loves, prayer & time to lost, hurting souls that need to know God cares. No matter what church we attend weekly, this is the calling of every believer, reconciling man to God. What better way than showing the tangible love of God to our neighbors.
We have some friends that will be giving of their talent in music that we have reconnected, coming from as far away as Michigan city. We also have a brother who will be testifying at the outreach on this deliverance from a life of sin he now has in Christ. There will also be a sister who has been through a lot and experienced miracles, preaching a message of salvation to the community. So we are excited!! It’s going to be good!
Youth ministry and loving on the unloved
Village Green is a mobile home park of notorious reputation in past years.  It is a mixed community of those that are poverty-stricken to the elderly. It has been a place where misguided youth have lost purpose, gone astray and given themselves over to a life of crime. We have had the opportunity to have outreaches and Bible studies at this location over the years that have produced much fruit. There is always a lot of people wondering the park, which is located just off Fir Road & 12th Street in Mishawaka. We will again be setting up right off of 12th Street just east of Fir Road.
We plan on having face painting, games for kids and a youth ministry table be a blessing to the kids and draw families to the event. We will be giving away free hotdogs, grilled cheese, chips, cookies, and punch. We will have face free Bibles, Christian books, live music, testimonies, preaching and witnessing the love of Jesus. It is going to be a great time. We so appreciate your prayers! Ask God to draw them in! Amen!
Ministering love to the kids!!
Also, we would love to have anyone who is reading this to please come out and support this event. You can either come and just check it out, maybe eat a hotdog or grilled cheese, or jump on in and help us serve a hotdog, clean a table, help with face painting a child. Or maybe jump on in witnessing and evangelize to those who need Jesus. Please feel invited we would love to have you join us. We love connecting with local churches and teaming up.
Preaching the Gospel ... Reaching the Lost
 First Block Party Outreach of the year
Date:  Saturday, May 17th,  2014
Time: noon – 3pm (setting up time starts 10:30am)
Location:  Village Green
We are in need of plastic (grocery-type) bags & if anyone has some clothing, or Bibles or Christian books, DVD’s, tracts that you would like to donate for this outreach please contact me for details on how we can connect.  This Friday we'll met at the clubhouse at 1434 Fallcreek Dr., Mishawaka at 5:45 p.m.  We'll have prayer, give out assignments & pass out flyers inviting residents of the mobile home park to the outreach. 
Visions Of Praise Ministries
4217 York Rd
South Bend, IN 46614
We so appreciate your prayers and support. Thanks for reading this and please feel invited to come on out and help reach the community for Jesus. God bless!!
Al Sabin
Visions Of Praise Ministries

Pastors Al & Jennifer Sabin, Founders
Visions Of Praise Ministries, Inc.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Upcoming Outreaches for 2014

My husband, Al & I are looking forward to an amazing year of outreach . . . we are branching out on our own after partnering with other ministries for the past eight years.  This year we are focusing on building our church and reaching the areas close by that are in need.  We have been blessed to work with Christian Center Church in South Bend and Feed The Hungry.  Through this local body and world-wide ministry we have reached many families by bringing them into a loving family environment and meeting physical needs.

We are still in close relationship with Lifeline Outreach Minstries, Steve & Jodi Ignowski, as well as One On One Ministries, Lance & Leigh Prathaftakis.  Continuing to minister together at South Bend Work Release as well as fellowshipping together as friends gives us a sense of connection that will never be broken.  As God calls & equips us we all move into the areas he has given us charge of and anointed us to serve.  Standing on his word and loving as Jesus commands we continue to storm the gates of hell to reach the lost.

When the Lord leads as he did last October, we assist other local bodies in reaching their community for Christ.  Pastors Ed & Sharon Vegh have been in our circle of ministry for many years.  We were privileged to be asked to help them step out and invite their neighborhood to an outreach we put on last fall.  Giving out food, clothes and having fun with the kids, as well as providing music & a message by the pastor was a successful day.  Our brother, Dyquant Clay, aka "The Hood Apostle" came to share his gospel message through Christian Rap.  Many were touched and the Lord added to the church.  We believe we are the body and it doesn't matter where the building is in which you worship.
The Schedule is as follows:
May 17th Village Green Mishawaka, IN
June 21st Christian Center Church parking lot “Concert on the Hill”
July 19th Honeymoon (Ravina) Park South Bend, IN
August 16th Brookfield St. off Western South Bend, IN
September 20th Kentucky St. South Bend, IN
Walking Streets - Flyers
2 Fridays prior to each outreach
6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
5/9 & 5/16 Village Green
6/13 & 6/20 Christian Center Church
7/11 & 7/18 Honeymoon Park
8/8 & 8/15 Brookfield St
9/12 & 9/19 Kentucky St