Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Outreach at Miami Hills

Saturday, August 27th Miami Hills Apartments South Bend, Indiana

Our ministry along with several others held an outreach in this low income area to feed, clothe and minister to those in need. There was a powerful message of salvation from Jeff Cooper, teacher and minister at Christian Center Church. Pastors from New Creation came out and touched lives of those they came in contact with and Lifeline Ministries, along with R.A.V.E.N.gave food, prayed and ministered freedom.

As we walk the neighborhood and pray ahead of time, we meet the residents of the community and share with them the love of Jesus. As a result we see the fruit when they come to the outreach and end up surrendering their life to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bus Ministry

Not only are we holding Bible study every two weeks, but we also currently found a bus to shuttle people to church twice a week!! God is so good!!! We are believing to pay the bus off totally soon. In the meantime, Bishop Stephen Reed of Rhema Word International Ministries has blessed us by allowing us to have the bus as if it is paid in full. We need to raise $1,000 to pay it off completely. We have done some work to the bus, but it is in awesome condition. We are thankful for the donations so far and believing God for the rest. If you can give, please contact us: Visions Of Praise Ministries P.O. Box 604, South Bend, Indiana 46624. May God bless you as you sow into the lives of new believers that need discipleship. Thank you for your support, Pastors Al & Jennifer Sabin.