Thursday, February 2, 2012

New outreach ministry of Visions Of Praise: Women's Addiction & Co-Dependency Support Group
As the Lord spoke to me regarding women that deal with temptation of giving into addiction even after being delivered from drugs, alcohol and other vices, he revealed that as the word says "there is wisdom in a multitude of counselors".  So we began a meeting to encourage and empower women to overcome their weakness.  By strengthening them through the word and prayer of intercessors and ministering healing by the power of the Holy Spirit we are seeing women rise up to their place of spiritual authority over darkness.  

On Saturday, January 28th a group of us women met at the Martin's Deli on Ireland Road in South Bend.  The upstairs loft served as a great meeting place.  After the women shared their stories of facing impossible odd of surviving abuse and redemption I was amazed at how God is restoring them to himself.  I could only think it takes a strong women to come through these things they suffered.  My heart was with them as I too have experienced similar circumstances in my life as I wandered from God.  Knowing all the time God was with me as he was with these women, I held onto the fact that He was real and could help me if I would let Him.  Letting go is sometimes the hardest thing . . . to trust when trust has been broken . . . to love when you feel rejected.

Our Father God is unlike any human, He has an everlasting, unconditional, sacrificial love that provided for us when we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.  No greater love is there than that a man lay down his life for another.  He did just that.  So we can be free.  Thank you Jesus.  

We'll be meeting weekly between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. we invite you to come or pray for us as we face the future together, hopeful.