We look forward to partnering together to reach our community for the kingdom of God. The location is in an area of violence and crime, but this pastor has decided to take back his neighborhood! As the body we are agreeing together that showing the love of Jesus Christ will draw men to Him. Please pray for us and a great move of God!!
There will be live music, free food, free clothes, face painting, a bouncy house, free books & Bibles, and we always welcome people and get the information by our Salvation Survey. Prayer & ministering the word is our priority!!! The sign out front of this picture of the church says "We love our neighborhood". After meeting with Pastor Lee & his wife, we know they mean it, as they literally hold their Wednesday night studies outside and serve free food!!
So, come out, volunteer and be a part of what God is doing on the streets of South Bend. We will be meeting at the church parking lot on both Friday, August 8th & 15th at 5:45 p.m. to pass out flyers. We will set up at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, August 16th at the grassy lot at the church.Blessings!
Pastors Al & Jennifer Sabin
P. O. Box 604
South Bend, IN 46624
(574)360-8092 or (574)360-5806
Donations are always welcome & will be used for the work of this ministry.