Neighborhood Cookout
Saturday, September 28th 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Hi Friends of Visions Of Praise Ministries!!
We are excited to let you know about a big Outreach planned for Saturday September 28th. Hope you can make it!
We are calling for the body of Christ to rally together to reach out and shine the love of Jesus! Together we can make a difference.
The west side area of South Bend will be where we'll set up at Kristen Garcia's front yard, 138 S. Kentucky Street off of Washington Street, it is between Washington & Western. This neighborhood and area is known for violence and crime activity. These neighborhoods need to be reached with the Gospel! Souls are at stake! And these souls are precious to the Lord. He wishes none to perish. We at Visions Of Praise feel highly compelled to reach out with the love of Christ. Will you join us?
If you have not made it to an outreach yet this year- this would be a great one to be part of. Please pray to see what the Lord would have you to do. We always minister together as a team whether you are part of setting up, the food team, book table, clean up team, music ministry, children’s helper, etc; we all work together with the common goal of sharing the love of Jesus and witnessing the Gospel.
We will be blessing the community with a free outreach meal-hotdogs, grilled cheese, chips, cookies and lemonade. We will have tables of free clothing to bless the needy. We will be ministering to the children-playing games, face painting. We will have live music and we plan on having the games for kids as we reach out to the youth. We will be offering free Bibles to those who need one and most of all, we will be testifying, witnessing, exhorting the saving & delivering power of Jesus! Our plan again will be to shut everything down an hour or so into the block party so that everyone can gather around the PA area to focus on a Gospel message that will be preached to the community. It’s going to be awesome!
WHEN:Saturday September 28th
WHERE: 138 S. Kentucky Street - West Side (South Bend - between Washington Street & Western Ave.)
TIME:1pm – 4pm (Setting up at 11am )
There are many areas of ministry in which you can serve:
Food Area/Tents:
Setting up, tearing down, keeping tables clean, emptying trash, keeping tables wiped off, grilling food, serving food, serving drinks.
Ministry for the Kids/Youth:
Face painting - making balloon animals for the kids, play games w/kids, assist with games.
Evangelism Ministry:
Going door to door, walking up to people to share the Gospel, ministering to people at the food tables, Praying for people, greeting and loving people as they arrive at the outreach site. Serving at the Free Bible/Book table, handing out tracts, follow up phone calls and visits.
A Word on Street Ministry:
One of the things we have learned through several years of outreach block party ministry, is the importance of “door to door”invites/prayer and evangelism.
The reason this is so vital is it gives us a personal face to face time with the neighborhood people. We hand the people a very nice attractive color flyer inviting them to the block party. This flyer invite will have all the info they need. In fact, we tell them to hang it on their refrigerator so they don’t forget. Ha! But seriously, these flyers are like an invitation to them which aids in them coming to the event.
We as a ministry team will be walking the neighborhoods and passing out invite flyers to the event. We will do this three times prior to the block party, so we can cover as much ground as possible.
And believe me; these “door to door” times are always incredible! Not only do we invite folk to the outreach we offer prayer, we testify, we engage with people, and we share the life changing Gospel. We have seen the Lord lead us into some incredible situations. We have been asked to come inside of homes to pray for dying relatives, we have had people break down in front of us, weeping and confessing sins and asking how to get forgiveness. People have offered us food right out of their ovens; we have been invited in to their homes to pray for their children. To be honest, we could probably write a book on the different opportunities we have encountered doing door to door ministry.
*Please prayerfully consider going door to door with us to pass out the flyers and evangelize. I can guarantee it will change you & you will have an incredible time.
Friday=September 20th@ 6:30pm – 8pm
Friday=September 27th @ 6:30pm -8pm
In front of Kristen Garcia's home at 138 S. Kentucky St. - We divide up into teams then we pray as a group before we set out to invite/witness to the community.
Also, if anyone would like to donate clothing, Christian books, Bibles, Children’s Bibles please contact me. If anyone would like to help give toward some of this, that would be awesome. Please contact me.
Thanks so much for reading this. We so much appreciate your prayers. We are believing for revival and awakening to shake our neighborhoods, towns and cities.. Jesus is the ONLY hope for this nation. Let us all do our part. Amen!
God bless!
Pastors Al & Jennifer Sabin, Founders
Visions Of Praise Ministries, Inc.