Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas Outreach 2011

We are teaming up with Lifeline Outreach Ministries to feed almost forty families on December 17th. We will have a dinner and give gift to families in need in our local area. This community Christmas outreach will be the sixth one we have held. We are excited about reaching souls for Jesus and sharing the good news through one on one ministry. It will be awesome to see the children's eyes light up as they receive gifts that may be the only ones they will have this year. As families are hurting, we thank you for helping us to give to help as the Bible says in James 2:14-16

14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

We will be giving a $15.00 gift card to help families to have a meal and wrapped toys for kids. The teens will receive a $10.00 gift card as their Christmas gift. As we have been given to, we give with joy! If you can help, please contact us at: Visions Of Praise Ministries

P.O. Box 604

South Bend, IN 46624


Sunday, October 23, 2011

NEW! urban youth choir - first practice yesterday . . . next Saturday we'll be meeting again at 11:00 a.m. Calling all youth who love to sing!!!

Why? We are encouraging teens to use their gift (voice) to sing and learn to be a part of a team.

Myself and Leigh Prathaftakis are forming a group of young people who want to excel as a singer in a choir setting.

Colossians 3:16

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

This is no ordinary choir!! We are putting a funky, hip twist on gospel music. This will be an exciting group that will bless those that listen and encourage themselves! Today our young people need a positive impact on their lives and we mean to bring it!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Village Green Fall Outreach

Saturday, September 17, 2011

As the end of the year approaches, we hold our last outreach in the community of Village Green where great ministry has brought forth much fruit and it remains. We thank God for the favor of Jim & Lacy Green, managers of this mobile home park. On Sunday, September 11th, we honored them at Christian Center Church with a plaque of thanks and appreciation. They have allowed us to hold bi-weekly Bible study at the park. We began in the office kitchen/recreation area, growing to sixty plus people to holding tent services out on the lawn. This fall/winter season it will be impossible to fit everyone in the room, so we will be moving services to Christian Center Church. Where the residents will continue to get fed, spiritually and receive physical food.

Some pictures from the outreach:

Face Painting

Free Books

Free Clothes

Free Haircuts

Salvation Surveys

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Outreach at Miami Hills

Saturday, August 27th Miami Hills Apartments South Bend, Indiana

Our ministry along with several others held an outreach in this low income area to feed, clothe and minister to those in need. There was a powerful message of salvation from Jeff Cooper, teacher and minister at Christian Center Church. Pastors from New Creation came out and touched lives of those they came in contact with and Lifeline Ministries, along with R.A.V.E.N.gave food, prayed and ministered freedom.

As we walk the neighborhood and pray ahead of time, we meet the residents of the community and share with them the love of Jesus. As a result we see the fruit when they come to the outreach and end up surrendering their life to the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bus Ministry

Not only are we holding Bible study every two weeks, but we also currently found a bus to shuttle people to church twice a week!! God is so good!!! We are believing to pay the bus off totally soon. In the meantime, Bishop Stephen Reed of Rhema Word International Ministries has blessed us by allowing us to have the bus as if it is paid in full. We need to raise $1,000 to pay it off completely. We have done some work to the bus, but it is in awesome condition. We are thankful for the donations so far and believing God for the rest. If you can give, please contact us: Visions Of Praise Ministries P.O. Box 604, South Bend, Indiana 46624. May God bless you as you sow into the lives of new believers that need discipleship. Thank you for your support, Pastors Al & Jennifer Sabin.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Upcoming Outreach at Christian Center Parking Lot

Come on out to the parking lot off Fellows across from Erskine Golf Course at 530 E. Ireland Road, South Bend, Christian Center for a day of fun for the family and ministry to the hurt, lost and hungry. We believe physical food & clothing can encourage and show the love of Jesus to our community as well as preaching and sharing the word . . . it all comes together here -

Children receive a message of God's love through puppet ministry . . .

Feeding the hungry . . .

Clothing the needy . . .

Many opportunities to serve, witness and operate in the gifts of the Holy Spirit that God has so generously poured out on us!!! Please consider helping or donating to work of this ministry. May God lead and direct you in all things.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Outreach at Village Green

This Saturday, May 21st, we are setting up grills, with free hot dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches, tables of free books, Bibles, clothes, face painting, Puppet Ministry, Live Music, and Evangelism to the lost!!! We have been ministering in this mobile home park for a couple of months taking food boxes and holding a bi-weekly Bible study at the office club house. It has been a great harvest of souls and teaching, discipleship and building the kingdom of God here in this low-income trailer park.
We also pick up people here for church twice a week. We have seen great change in the lives of the residents at Village Green. Praise God!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Food Distribution and Bible Study

Village Green Mobile Home Park in Mishawaka

Teaching the word, sharing testimonies and feeding the need . . .

Healing, deliverance and Salvation!!!

On Tuesday, April 5th at 7:00 p.m. we held a Bible Study at a local trailer park. 26 People came out and five received Jesus as their Lord. We give God all the glory for an awesome evening!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Food Box Outreach at Village Green Mobile Home Park in Mishawaka

We are going to a local trailer park, giving out food to those in need . . .

Village Green is located in Mishawaka. Many of the residents have lost jobs at the trailer factories and had to walk away from their home and everything in it. We were shocked to see how devastating the economy took a hit at this neighborhood. Many people have no transportation and can't feed their families. Visions Of Praise Ministries with the help of several of our partner ministries are supplying not only the physical need of food, but also spiritual food.

We, under the umbrella of Christian Center Church, will be holding a Bible Study every other Tuesday at the office clubhouse for the residents of Village Green. We hope to see them prosper even as their souls prosper. Please pray for us in this endeavor. We have already seen fruit from our labor in the evidence of salvations, and answers to prayer. We are mentoring a young couple with a baby and pick them up to take them to church twice a week. Praise God for his goodness!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bargain Basement Ministries at 341 Lincoln Way West, South Bend, Indiana

Clothing for Families and People in Need

Men's Clothing and Shoes Women's Shoes

Women's Sweaters Purses, Hats, more Shoes

Monday, February 7, 2011

Concert at Fit for the Kingdom

Christian Center Band, Latesha Taylor & Leigh Prathaftakis came to sing and play music at the concert.

Fit for the Kingdom Ministries Concert hosted by Visions of Praise Ministries